Solid Waste Management (EUR 312 million proposed)
1. Southern West Java Integrated Solid Waste Management – South Coast (Rp 640 billion/ EUR 39 million)
Construction and upgrading of waste treatment and final deposit facilities in many cities and districts within the southern part of West Java. Construction of an integrated regional sanitary landfill with technology to potentially process waste into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) which could serve the greater Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya and Cianjur area.
2. Rebana Regional Integrated Solid Waste Management (Ciayu Maja Kuning) (Rp 819 billion/ EUR 50 million)
Improvement and construction of waste management infrastructure in the north eastern part of West Java with a focus on the Cirebon area (sanitary landfill with 500 ton/day capacity and potential RDF application plus intermediary waste treatment and sorting stations.
3. Regional Sanitary Landfill (TPA) Sarbagita (Rp 480 billion/ EUR 30 million)
The regional sanitary landfill in southern Bali (TPA Suwung) will be closed and renaturalized with methane capture and leachate treatment technology. The site will be transformed into an educational park. The new designated landfill in Bali (TPA Sarbagita) will be upgraded in the framework of the GII. Waste treatment from the source will be applied.
4. Development of TPA Regional Kediri (Sanitary Landfill) (Rp 600 billion/ EUR 37 million)
Development of a 50 Ha sanitary landfill for the greater Kediri area in East Java with potentially Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) technology and the construction of sorting stations and deposit sites in the area.
5. TPST Regional Magelang and Borobudur (Integrated landfill + 3R) – Development of Integrated Solid Waste Treatment in Magelang (Rp 942 billion/ EUR 58 million)
Construction of sorting stations, final deposit sites and sanitary landfills in the greater Magelang area in support of the Borobudur super-priority tourist destination with potential to explore Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) technology and state of the art sealing and renaturalization of existing and over capacity landfills.
TPA Regional (Northern Central Java) – Development of Integrated Solid Waste Treatment and Regional Landfill in Central Java (Rp 1 trillion/ EUR 61 million)
Construction of deposit sites, sanitary landfills and a medical waste deposit site in northern Central Java with the potential to explore Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) technology and state of the art sealing of existing and over capacity landfills.
Water and Wastewater Management (EUR 449 million proposed)
6. Integrated Citarum Wastewater Management (Rp 4,3 trillion/ EUR 264 million)
Once one of the dirtiest rivers in the world, the Citarum River has recovered, complementary to the ongoing support from the World Bank, the West Java provincial government has proposed to tackle the still pending issues of domestic wastewater and industrial wastewater treatment withing the framework of the Green Infrastructure Initiative together with a sewage system for the greater Bandung area. The scope of this investment is focused on planning and development of domestic wastewater infrastructure in the form of a Domestic Wastewater Management System (SPALD).
Southern West Java Integrated Water Supply and Wastewater Management (Rp 550 billion/ EUR 34 million)
The scope of this activity is focused on planning and construction of a Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) and Domestic Wastewater Management System (SPALD) in the southern part of West Java. This includes the raw water supply system, transmission pipelines, water treatment plants and main distribution pipeline, but also the wastewater component in the form of a domestic wastewater management system.
7. SPAM Regional Lintas Tengah (Rp 1,8 trillion/ EUR 111 million)
The construction of a comprehensive water supply system for East Java (Kediri, Nganjuk and Jombang) with the Brantas River as a potential water source. Including the raw water intake, water treatment plants, transmission pipes and main distribution pipes. In addition, renewable energy solutions (i.e. solar) for the reservoir will be considered.
8. Bengawan Solo Ayu (Water Quality Improvement) (Rp 650 billion/ EUR 40 million)
One of the dirtiest rivers in Java crossing from central Java into East Java, the Bengawan Solo River requires a comprehensive approach, in order to provide a sustainable livelihood to millions of people. The development and construction of wastewater infrastructure (treatment plants in Central Java (IPAL and ILPT) and also water supply infrastructure (SPAM) is a first step in cleaning up this river.
Cross Sectoral Proposal (185 million proposed)
One proposal within the Green Infrastructure Initiative shines out by being a cross sectoral integrated approach combing all three sectors of the GII under the topic of low carbon tourism development.
9. Low Carbon Tourism Destination Development: Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan & Ceningan (Rp 3 trillion/ EUR 185 million)
The natural beauty and ecosystem of the three Nusa Island near Bali (Lembongan, Ceningan and Penida) are in acute danger to fall victim to fast paced tourism development, mostly dependent on day tour visitors. Without a comprehensive solid waste management system, a water supply and wastewater system the islands ecosystem is in danger. Through the GII this infrastructure investment is proposed in an integrated manner, also capitalizing on the plans to transform the island into a low carbon tourism destination with an electric mobility concept and renewable energy powered grid.
Urban Public Transport (EUR 4057 million proposed)
10. BRT – Bandung Metropolitan Urban Public Transport (Electric Bus) (Rp 1,1 trillion/ EUR 67 million)
A comprehensive Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system covering the greater Bandung area with a planned 23 km of dedicated BRT lanes, 27 stations, 12 routes with a total of 350 low floor, potentially Battery Electric Busses (BEB) buses covering 120 000 trips/day. The system will be integrated with the also proposed Bandung LRT, existing train networks and the new Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail service.
11. Bandung Metropolitan Urban Railways (Bandung LRT) (Rp 51 trillion/ EUR 3,1 billion)
A Light Rail Transit (LRT) project in the greater Bandung area with two planned corridors. The first phase (north-south), is containing 17 stations and 14.2 km of tracks. It connects northern Bandung with the south and intersects with the second phase at the Leuwipanjang Terminal. The second phase connects the east with the west of Bandung with a total of 16 stations and 16.55 km of tracks. This corridor connects the intercity bus terminal in Leuwipanjang with the Jakarta Bandung High Speed Rail station in Tegalluar.
12. Surabaya Regional Railways Line (SRRL) 2nd Phase (Rp 8,3 trillion/ EUR 512 mio)
The KfW supported 1st phase of the Surabaya Regional Railways Line (SRRL) shall be expanded with a 2nd phase connecting Lambongan, Mojokerto and Gresik via Surabaya. The proposal includes double tracking, electrification and grade separation for the 2nd phase.
Autonomous Railrapid Transit Surabaya – Bangkalan (3,5 trillion/ EUR 216 mio)
Autonomous Railrapid Transit (ART) is a rather new trackless mass transit technology, featuring a multi-unit, two-way vehicle with a low floor. It uses all-wheel steering control technology, virtual rail tracking via LIDAR sensors and a train-like running mode and is proposed for northern Surabaya. Three options for a corridor have been proposed. This new project idea needs to be assessed in a more comprehensive manner in a PFS.
13. Surabaya BRT (Rp 1,5 trillion/ EUR 92 mio)
A comprehensive Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system for the greater Surabaya area, potentially Battery Electric Busses (BEB) buses in an east-west and north-south corridor. The system will be integrated with the also proposed SRRL and existing train networks.
14. Corridor Petanglong (Greater Pekalongan) (Rp 735 billion/ EUR 45 mio)
The economic super corridor in northern Central Java (Petalongan) lacks public transport options along rapidly developing industrial parks. To accommodate future demand of commuters to the factories in that region five corridors for a bus network utilizing Battery Electric Busses (BEBs) have been proposed in the area.
15. Public Transport in Greater Solo: phasing out diesel fleets and Corridor Extension (Rp 1,9 trillion/ EUR 117 million)
The city of Solo has been a frontrunner in developing BRT systems in Indonesia. Through the Green Infrastructure Initiative four BRT corridors in the greater Solo area shall be shifted to BEBs. In addition, two new BEB corridors shall be developed together with accompanying feeder lines and potentially a renewable energy-based charging station for the buses (i.e. solar)